"This will be one of the best investments you will ever make.
Kris is a masterful teacher and guide who will help you gently and clearly see what serves you and what you can let go of in a matter of weeks not months, years or decades."
Once you have paid in full, you have lifetime access to the Revolution!

*For as long as I'm around and offering this program, you have access to the content! There is no set end date.

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    One-time payment ($645.00)$645.00
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    Split pay (2x $325.00)2x $325.00

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Builder Revolution + Sacral Warrior Intensive$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xBuilder Revolution + Sacral Warrior Intensive$0

All prices in USD

What other Sacral Warriors have to say:

"I finally get what 'waiting to respond' means. It seems scary at first because everything in the world of business is about the hustle, but I feel so much calmer now, and I know when I do say yes to things, I can trust my sacral response AND trust myself to follow through."

"If you're considering the Sacral Warrior Intensive, it’s an awesome and unique way to understand yourself (and others). Doing the work releases so much worry and doubt and instead, fills you with understanding and confidence in who you are and how you do things."

"I let go of doing things 'just for the money' and instead focus on what feels totally satisfying in my body. The $ and clients I was 'trying to get' now find me!"

"I LOVE THE DETAILS!!! Everything you share in the videos has sent vibrations through my whole body... so much is being unearthed."

"I honed in on my souls purpose. I understand my value add, the energy/gift I deliver to my people, what it is about me they are attracted, and what my wisdom/shadow is. And basically healed some massive trauma. Massive f*cking sh*t!"

"I just started geeking out and pulling my family’s charts. Sitting down together and talking about it brought us closer. I understand them on a different level, which has naturally enriched my relationships."

"I have greater clarity around being able to determine things that are mine, or are for me, and not simply projections or ideas or feelings coming through open centers. Being able to understand the sacral a little more clearly and listen to it allows me to have more confidence in my next steps."

What will YOU create in alignment with your sacral?

Join us and find out...
